The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and approved the 2019 City Budget. The budget for the City for 2019 is $6,221,518 which is a reflection of 51.795 mils, the same number of mils as levied for the 2018 Budget.
The Commission took no action regarding the new regulations regarding Food Trucks pending more information.
The City Commission approved General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $1.4 million for various projects throughout the City and also approved the City’s portion, $12,000 of the funding for the Small Business Development Center.
Also approved with some adjustments were the Standard Traffic Ordinances and the Uniform Public Offense Codes.
The Commission heard from the Liberal Area Coalition of Families regarding a Comprehensive Plan and bike and pedestrian paths, and approved an agreement and Deed of Release with the FAA pertaining to the 11.38 acres at 7th and Western.
Luck Refrigeration received the bid award for a new air conditioning unit for the airport in the amount of $5,950.
Commissioners als accepted an additional $2,000 from the Mid America Air Museum Foundation for the intern program.