Liberal City Commission Meets, Appoints Ron Warren to Fill Vacancy

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening for their regularly scheduled meeting. First up on the agenda was the Commission vacancy. The Commission approved appointing Ron Warren to fill the unexpired term on the Commission as a result of Justin Varnes resigning from the Commission prior to the previous meeting.

The Commissioners then approved a lease agreements with Sky West and Seward County Broadcasting, approved the amendment to  Ordinance 4006-A1 to allow livestock on City owned property as long as there was a minimum of 40 acre, and approved a 7 year lease agreement for a Wheel loader in the amount of $149,892.

With the FAA land issues resolved, the T Hanger taxiway and drainage project and the Snow removal equipment project will move forward. The farming lease with Paul Blaser was located and had previously been approved, so that became a non issue.

The Fire Departments requests for bunker gear and the disposal of the breathing apparatus air compressor and fill station were both approved as was the KDOT grant funding for City Bus.

The IT Department request for a server replacement was approved at a cost of $39, 150, and Leticia Arredondo was appointed to the JCAPS Board.

The Commission tabled the Mid America Air Museum requests for a tool cabinet, LED lighting and will look at financing options for roof repairs to the museum. Discussed were $50,000 in grant donations with the remainder to possibly come from Tourism.