Liberal City Commission Meets and Accepts Dividend Check From Employers Mutual

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening for their regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting started with the acceptance of two checks, one a donation, the other a dividend check.

Union Pacific Railroad presented a check to the City in the amount of $8,000 to be used for beautification around the Rock Island Depot. The second check presented to the City was  a dividend check from Employers Mutual Company through Al Shank Insurance in the amount of $93,485.00.

The Commission approved spending $11,000 for Aircraft Firefighting Training with $5,500 coming from the Fire Departments training budget, and the other $5,500 coming from the Airport Land Sale Funds as approved by the FAA.

City Commissioners approved the Highway 54 and Clay Street intersection repairs in the amount of $1,968,091 with KDOT providing $800,000 and the City funding the remaining portion of $1,168,091. Smokey Hills LLC of Salina will. E the contractor.

Purchases made at Tuesday’s meeting included additional American Flags and Welcome Flags for Kansas Avenue, 2 receptionist desk for City Hall from Liberal Office Machines, and tasers and accessories for the Police Department.

Also purchased for the Police Department were 2, 2017 Ford Interceptor SUV’s from Foss Ford of Liberal in the amount of $49,700.00.

The next Liberal City Commission meeting will be May 23rd.