The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and heard a report on the progress of the LEAP program which is through the League of Kansas Municipalities on the progress of the search for a City Manager. Also regarding the City Manager, the Commission approved another addendum to his contract. This addendum basically would pro-rate the 6 month severance allowed in the current contract should a new City Manager be found prior to the announced retirement date.
Commissioners also approved the Kansas Main Street Program Memorandum of Agreement and approved Fund Transfers. The fund transfers were a result of $2,100,00.00 of USD 480 appropriations being budgeted in 2021 from the 1/2% Educational Sales Tax Fund. A total amount of $2,276783.92 was collected and remitted to USD 480, which caused the 2021 budget to be exceeded by $176,783.92. To remedy the situation the Commission approved to fund $176,783.92 of the December 1/2% Sales Tax USD 480 appropriations from the General Fund, with this identical amount to be reimbursed to the General Fund in January 2022.