Liberal City Commission Meets

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the City Commission approved Charter Ordinance #35 which authorizes the Fire Marshall, Code Enforcement officers, Animal Control, and other trained city personnel, the authority to issue Notices To Appear. Also approved were purchases for the Fire Department. One to replace worn out uniforms,and one to replace Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus’ and Gas Air Monitors. Total requested came to $10,437.10. Commissioners approved upgrades to the Security System for City Hall, and the Convention and Visitors Bureau to pursue a new website. the web address will be The Commission also approved the setting of a Hearing date for the condemnation the property at 234 W.Hickory and authorized Code Enforcement to immediately secure the structure. Hearing date will be September 13, 2011. The City Commission also gave City Staff permission to seek refunding of General Obligation Bonds currently owned by the City, at a lower interest rate of minimumly at 1.35%, which if found, would save the City $50,000.00 on the $2,050,000.00 bonds. The City Commission will next take part in the Council of Goverments meeting on Thursday, with the next regular meeting scheduled for August 9.