Liberal City Commission Meets

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the Commission approved housekeeping items in the Financial Department. Approved were Budget Amendments for the Employees Benefits Fund, Debt Service Fund, the Wastewater Fund and the 1% Sales Tax Fund. Also approved were Deliquent Accounts Receivable and Utilities Classifications and the 2011 Financing Limitations. At Tuesday’s meeting the Liberal City Commission Designated the Leader and Times as the Official Newspaper for the City of Liberal, approved the Final readings of the Standard Traffic Ordinances and Uniform Public Offense Codes, directed staff to continue to pursue Federal Highway Funds for a project on Highway 54 in front of the new Fellowship Baptist Church, tabled an agreement with Anadarko pending more information from legal council, and approved the final plat of the Sea Moore Addition. Commissioners also approved the final plat of the Dollar General Addition. This will allow the Dollar General Corporation to build a new 9000 square foot store in the south end of town. As a member of the Southwest Kansas Coalition the Liberal City Commission has partnered with Dodge City and Garden City the past 2 years in hiring Robin Jennison as a lobbyist for the Coalition, however at Tuesday’s meeting the Commission felt the weren’t getting a whole lot for the money spent, and voted not to participate in the re-hiring of Jennison Governmental Services. Commissioners remained in support of the coalition and its misson, and will continue as a member of the SKC. Wrapping up the meeting the commission appointed Steve Leete to a 1 year term, Bob Grant to a 2 year term, Bob Keating to a 3 year term, and Cheryl Collins and Gary Dearing to 4 year terms on the Mid America Air Museum Advisory Board, and reappointed Don Witzke to a 3 year term on the Joint Economic Development Council Board. The Next meeting of the Liberal City Commission will be January 11, 2011.