The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm at the City Commission Chambers for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda the Commission approved the purchase of 3 sets of protective fire gear for the Fire Department. Total cost for all 3 sets came to $3,324.00. The Commissioners also unanimously aaproved to accept the 2010 C.O.P.S. Technology Grant Award for the Liberal Police Department in the amount of $200,000.00. This is a grant that Chief Sill and staff had been working on for several months. Chief Sill said an announcement would be coming soon on what the funds would be spent on. The City Commission also approved the purchase of a fire alarm system for the Air Museum with the funds coming from a grant from the Air Museum Foundation. Also approved was pavement markings on Highway 54 from the East city limits to the city limits on the west side of town. Cost of the stripping will be approximately $50,000.00. The commission will next meet on Thursday at 7:00am for a Council of Governments meeting at SCCC/ATS.