Liberal City Commission Holds Regular Meeting

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm for their rgular meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the commission said good-bye to longtime Recreation Director Gary Scott. Scott will be retiring from the City after 20 years of service. His plans are to move to eastern Kansas to be closer to family. The Commission also proclaimed a Fire Prevention week in October, and procaimed October as Liberal Lion Club Recognition month. The Commission also heard from Dustin Ormiston with Hay, Rice, and Associates, who conducted the Citys annual audit. Ormiston thanked City staff for their cooperation, and informed the Commission that the City is in "Strong financial condition". Commissioners approved the contract with Hay, Rice, and Associates for the 2011 audit. Also approved at Tuesday’s meeting was the appointment of Tracy King, Ron Prentice, and Chad Mease to the Airport Advisory Board, approved the purchase of bullet proof vests, and helmets for the Police Department, and Entered into an agreement with the Southwest Kansas Coalition for Lobbyists services with Pinegar and Associates for the upcoming Legislative session. The Liberal City Commission willpaticipate in the Council of Governments meeting on Thursday, with the next regular meeting scheduled for October 11th.