Liberal City Commission Approves Public Water Supply Improvements

The Liberal City Commission met Monday evening and after accepting a H.U.G.S. Grant from Southern Pioneer Electric for the Recreation Department approved Public Water Supply improvements which include authorizing a Loan Agreement with the State of Kansas Department of Health and Environment, a Dedicated Funding Source for the Repayment of the loan, and approved a Contract with Earles Engineering for the project.

Commissioners approved Resolution No. 2393 authorizing the submittal of the 2023 grant application to Kansas Housing Resources Corporation. QC Custom Homes has proposed to build approximately 19 homes at $250,000 each plus street costs. The proposed project cost is approximately 7.5 million. The application to Kansas Housing Resources is for up to $650,000 to offset home construction costs. Grant funds are pass-through funds, and The City of Liberal has no matching fund requirement for the project. A Rural Housing Incentive District application will be forthcoming at a future meeting.

For the Police Department, the Commission approved the request to purchase three 2020 Dodge Durangos from the Kansas Highway Patrol. Each of the vehicles has around 50,000 miles on them. These vehicles come equipped with emergency lights, sirens, a control panel, a push bar, and a rifle/shotgun rack. These vehicles will be used to replace vehicles that are currently on the line with nearly 100,000 miles on them. The majority of the equipment from the older vehicle can be transferred to the newer Durangos. That equipment includes radios, MOT, and radars. The price for each Durango is listed at $29,600, making the total price for all three come to $88,800.00.

Commissioners re-appointed Steve Merz to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a term of 3 years and held discussions on Ordinance 4593 amending the zoning codes to the city of Liberal.

The Commission approved the purchase of 15 – 40watt solar lights with 20′ light poles for McCray Park walking path and approved an agreement with Lochner for design and construction to upgrade the Runway lighting/ Beacon and Vault at the airport. This upgrade would have the airport lighting going to go to LED from incandescent.