The Liberal city commission met on Tuesday evening at 5:00 at Blue Bonnet Park. Regarding flights for Liberal, the City Commission approved to request that DOT reduce the frequency of Essential Air Service (“EAS”) flights from 12 to 7 weekly round trips between Liberal and Denver effective July I, 2022 until SkyWest is able to restore service to EAS minimums. This will at least ensure that air service will continue for Liberal.
The Commission also approved Municipal Courts request to begin using CBK as the Courts main collection agency. The Court is currently using the Kansas State Set Off Program. There are multiple benefits in switching collection agencies. The following are just a few.
• Will work directly with our new software system
• Turnaround Time
• No percentages or fees taken from the Court
• Garnishments
• Any amoW1t is accepted
• Submits to the Set Off Program
• Asset Searches
• Bankruptcy Claims
• Death Claims
CBK will exhaust most, if not all avenues in collecting these fines and fees owed to the Court. CBK will reimburse the City monthly as submissions are collected.
The City is hopeful that by switching collection agencies, these amounts will increase in the coming years.
Commissioners also accepted the annual Bus Grant award with matching funds to come out of the Economic Development portion of the one-cent sales tax. The federal and State portion to the City is $553,362.60 while the City’s match is $212,679.40.
The City Commission approved the closure of Adventure Bay Waterpark on June 4th to host a local swim meet for the local Piranhas team and approved to purchase a 1 ton pickup from Chrysler Corner with availability possibly in 4 months for the Water Department.
Commissioners agreed to have a work session on Friday to further discuss joining the Seward County Development Corporation.