Liberal City Commission Approves Amending Collection of Fees for Municipal Court

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening with a light agenda. Approved by the Commission was an amendment to the Collection of fees for Municipal Court. The Amendment reads: “Collection fees incurred through the use of a collection agency for the collection of debts owed to Municipal Court and restitution shall be paid as additional court costs when the defendant fails to pay the same; the cost of collection assessed against the defendant shall not exceed the maximum amount as allowed by law.” Also it goes on to stateĀ  “The cost of collection of debts owed to Municipal Court is assessed against the Defendant as an additional court cost; the cost of collection shall not exceed the maximum amount as allowed by law.”

The Recreation Center was also on the agenda for discussion. The Commission heard reports about the State Fire Marshalls Office inspection of the Recreation Center as he found several items out of compliance and in violation of current State Codes. The City will have to respond to these findings, then wait for the Fire Marshall to respond to the City’s response on how to address the new Code Footprint for the building. Talk of $250,000 to $300,000 or more may be needed to address the State Fire Marshalls write ups.