Liberal City Commission Approves 2023 Budget

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 5:30 pm, and after passing Resolution 2384 which allows the City to exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate, the Commission passed Resolution 2385 which adopts the Budget for 2023. Due to the increase in estimated valuation for 2023 over the assessed valuation for 2022, an additional $163,336 would be generated at the 55.552 mill rate.

The City participates in the Federal Funds Exchange Program through an Agreement with the Kansas Department of Transportation. This program enables the City to trade all or a portion of their Federal fund allocations with KDOT in exchange for State transportation dollars, on an annual basis, for certain road maintenance and construction expenses. The current reimbursement rate is 90%.

The City currently has a balance of $279,890.93, which at a 90% exchange rate, equates to $251,901.39 is available for the City to use. The staff has identified and attached three invoices for which we wish to submit for reimbursement for 2020 street sealing, 2021 chip sealing, and 2021 crack sealing, up to our available amount. The Commission approved to request for these funds.

The City Commission also approved for a developer to build several homes in Liberal. Marvin Chance has proposed to build approximately 16 homes at approximately $200,000 each plus street costs. The proposed project cost is approximately 3.2 million. The application to Kansas Housing Resources is for up to $650,000 to offset home construction costs. Grant funds are pass-through funds. The City of Liberal has no matching fund requirement for the project.

Commissioners approved the submittal of a Grant through the Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks. If the Grant is approved, it would require a 50/50 match from the City, with the following projects proposed:

1. Mahuron Park, playground equipment;

2. Bluebonnet Park, playground equipment;

3. Tourism, dog park improvement; and

4. Lambert Soccer Field, shade covering over bleachers.

Commissioners also approved invoices over $10,000 for 2 projects, those are:
A. Building Department – $17,950.00

To M & S Demolition – Emergency Demolition of 816 N. Grant Ave

B. Water Department – $13,144.54

To Core & Main – 30 iPearl Water Meters with Housings