Liberal Chambers Wrap a Pole Back for 2022

The Liberal Chamber of Commerce is encouraging businesses, local clubs/organizations, families and individuals to enter their “Wrap a Lamp Contest. Participants must sign-up at the Chamber of Commerce office, Monday – Friday between 8:00am-5:00pm, to obtain a downtown lamp post and decorating instructions before November 17th. Decorating can begin anytime after registering and must be completed by November 27th.

1st place will get a $100 Chamber gift certificate, 2nd place will get a $50 Chamber gift certificate, and 3rd place will get a $25 Chamber gift certificate. This year, there will be a People’s Choice award, and that will be a $100 Chamber gift certificate. People may call the Chamber of Commerce office to vote between Nov. 28 and 30 during regular business hours. The number to call to vote is 620-624-3855