Liberal Chamber Announces the “Wrap-a-Lamp” Contest for 2023

The Liberal Chamber of Commerce is encouraging businesses, local clubs/organizations, families and individuals to enter their “Wrap a Lamp” Contest. Participants must sign-up at the Chamber of Commerce office, Monday – Friday between 8:00am-5:00pm, to obtain a downtown lamp post and decorating instructions before November 16th. Decorating can begin anytime after November 12th and must be completed by November 23rd.

1st place will get a $100 Chamber gift certificate, 2nd place will get a $50 Chamber gift certificate, and 3rd place will get a $25 Chamber gift certificate. This year, there will be a Most Whimsical, Most Unique, and Most Beautiful categories, each winning a $25 Chamber Gift Certificate. For more information call the Chamber of Commerce office at 620-624-3855