(Liberal, KS) – The City of Liberal is excited to begin the Launch Liberal 2035
Comprehensive Plan. This planning process will provide the community with a vision and plan
that will be used to guide decision-making and development for the next ten years. The Plan will
provide a framework for the orderly and consistent planning of City neighborhoods, corridors,
and public green spaces. It will consider plans for future City growth with a strong emphasis on
land use, development and redevelopment patterns, and quality of life.
The Launch Liberal 2035 process will include public outreach opportunities that include multiple
stakeholder group events, a community survey, and pop-up events. The community survey is
currently live, and those interested have until mid-May 2024 to complete it.
The public can access the community survey and learn more about the project by visiting
www.cityofliberal.org/launchliberal. The site will be kept up to date with information about the
comprehensive planning process and ongoing community engagement opportunities. The City
will also provide project updates on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Nextdoor.
The goal is to finalize the Launch Liberal 2035 plan by early 2025.