The Liberal High School Speech and Drama Team recently competed in Wamego KS and when the day was done, several students qualified for CFL Nationals.
Those competing at the Nationals Qualifying Tournament include Katrin Flores, Miguel Nicolas, Zayra Ventura, Emmalee Ward and Ary Mendoza.
Katrin Flores qualified for nationals with 2nd place in Extemporaneous Speaking. Miguel Nicolas qualified with 4th place in Oration. Zayra Ventura qualified with 5th place in Interpretation of Literature.
CFL Nationals will be in Chicago this year in the last week of May.
LHS Speech and Drama, and some other area schools in Kansas, compete in two different speech and drama leagues. Tournaments under the jurisdiction of KSHSAA, including Liberal’s own hosted tournament, operate in the NSDA league, the National Speech and Debate Association. The Catholic Forensic League is open to public as well as nonpublic schools, and the CFL has attracted smaller rural schools in recent years seeking additional opportunities to compete.