The metaphors for LHS softball are in both east and west Liberal. In west Liberal, their former field has been removed much the same as last year’s 0-19 season. In east Liberal, new ball fields are being constructed. The current state of LHS softball could use some orange cones around it because it too is under construction. Hope Cox is the new head coach greeting a program with little if any winning tradition.
Liberal went 3-18, 6-15, 9-12, and 7-14 before the program bottomed out last spring with a winless season. Liberal will be very young at key spots like pitcher with Fr. Haley Fowler and So. Sarah Bayouth. Cox says she is unsure of an exact lineup which could be in flux early and could feature a revolving door back and forth from the JV program.
Liberal’s former field north of the LHS campus has been flattened for a new business. The team is practicing at Rosel Field and on the T Ball fields in north Bluebonnet Park. They will play games at Rosel and Lady Saints Field at Seward County Community College/Area Technical School. They already have moved one home game Thursday to Hugoton instead.