LHS Named National AVID Demonstration School

LHS has received yet another distinction. One week after being ranked second in Kansas in the U.S. News and Business Report, LHS received another honor yesterday. LHS was named a National AVID Demonstration School. AVID’s Ellen Dickerson says this places Liberal High in select company.

She said during yesterday afternoon’s ceremony that there are 41,000 AVID schools in the world but only

134 AVID Demonstration Schools. She named LHS as the 135 and the students erupted with cheers


AVID is a program designed to help get students ready for college. The AVID website describes AVID Demonstration schools as exemplary models of the AVID College Readiness System demonstrating the very best AVID strategies and methodologies in both the AVID Elective and schoolwide college readiness practices.

At an AVID Demonstration school, visitors can observe:

  • Dedicated and successful implementation of the 11 Essentials
  • Strong and committed leadership
  • Evidence of outstanding student achievement
  • Models for excellent inquiry-based AVID tutorials
  • AVID as a schoolwide approach to school improvement
  • A schoolwide college-going culture with college readiness as a basic expectation
  • A center of learning for AVID best practices
  • A showplace for the synergy and excitement a strong AVID college readiness system creates