LHS Girls’ Varsity Tennis Results from the Great Bend Invitational September 14th, 2013
The Lady Skins left “much on the table” Saturday as each LHS entry could have won more matches than they did. Emotions ran amuck as our girls battled hard but came up short after a grueling 9-hour tournament. Competing teams included Dodge City, Ellinwood, Garden City, Great Bend, Nickerson, Wakeeney, and Liberal. Great Bend dominated team honors with 52 points followed by Garden City with 43 points, and Wakeeney with 35 points. Liberal tied for 5th with 9 points.
Individual results:
#1 Singles—Stephanie Sanchez went 0-6 on the day.
#2 Singles—Tierra Stoney went 2-4.
#1 Doubles—Jordyn Apsley/Marina Arenivas finshed 1-5.
#2 Doubles—Kylie Evans/Marissa Rodsriguez finished 1-5.
Liberal travels to Ulysses on Monday to make up a rained out tournament from last Thursday.