LHS Bowlers Gain WAC Point at Garden City

Lib and Holcomb at GC 

Varsity boys finished with 2549 total pinfall. Earn 1 WAC point. Logan Apsley led the team and finished 4th with a 626 series.

Girls Varsity: 1789 total pinfall. Earning 1 WAC point. Shelby Christmann led the team with a 399 series.

JV Boys: 1786 total pinfall. Earning 2 WAC points. Brayden Austin led the team and finished 4th with a 422 series. Scored 4 WAC points. 

JV girls: 1345 total pinfall. Jacqueline Hager finished 1st overall with a 286 series. Zoe Still finished 2nd overall with a 285 series. Took 13 WAC points. 

The team will compete next Tuesday 1/21 at Sublette vs Dodge City.