LHS Booster Club Ready for Home Football Opener

This Friday night, September 11th, the Booster Club will be serving Pizza
Hut pizza prior to the start of the game at the tailgating tent located on
the northwest end of the field behind the bleachers.

We have Redskin merchandise that can be purchased at that time.

If you have not received your membership card or car decal, they will be

The Liberal High School Booster Club has also set up a remind me account.
If you would like to receive messages via text, text @skinsboost to 81010.
You can opt-out of messages at anytime by replying, ‘unsubscribe@skinsboost’.

?Let your friends know-it’s not too late to join! We will be accepting new
memberships at the tailgating tent.

In addition to the booster club opportunities, Friday night is also Kids Inc.

Night so football teams run the field at halftime. National Beef bought

out the game so admission is free.