LHS Athletes Celebrated Saturday Night

2011 Athletic Banquet Winners:

Raymond Boles Memorial Scholarship: Slader McVey

Glen & Joan Cooper Memorial Scholarship: Jaime Minjarez

KSCB Scholarship: Ashlyn Westerman, Slader McVey

Christian Athlete: Thomas Benson

Lady Redskin: Emily Bayouth

Iron Man: Justin McPhail

Outstanding Senior Athlete: Tyson Deaton, Destiny Hall

Dave Gilmore Hard Hat Scholarship: Alejandro Avila, Destiny Hall

Activities Academic Award: Ramey Petty, Levi Adams

Outstanding Redskin Fan: Jay & Kay Hay

Daily Leader Leading Redskin: Jade Cathey, Katie Burnett

Liberal Redskin Outstanding Booster Club Board Member of the Year: Bob Pitts