Liberal High School received a phone call at approximately 1:36 PM regarding a potential threat. The school was placed on lockdown and law enforcement was called immediately. The LHS SRO was on scene and LPD responded quickly and began clearing the building and investing the call. It has been determined that the phone call was a hoax and the reporting party was being scammed for money. We have now resumed classes as normal, and our SRO is remaining on campus for additional precaution.
ALL CLEAR: The Building is All Clear. Law enforcement responded to a
potential threat against a specific individual at Liberal High School. Out of
an abundance of caution, the building was locked down while this situation
was investigated.
LHS has returned to normal activity
Law enforcement has responded to a potential threat against a specific individual at Liberal High School. Out of an abundance of caution, the building has been placed on Lock Down while this situation is investigated.
We anticipate returning to normal activity soon.