KSHSAA Adjusts 5A Baseball Schedule Due to Weather

*Thursday, May 28 *

The first game will begin at 11:00 AM as scheduled, weather permitting.
Games after that will be played in a rolling format. Once a game is
completed the field will be prepared, each team will have a maximum 10
minute warm-up on the field and the game will begin. Sites with turf
fields that do not need much preparation may allow some additional throwing
time for teams prior to beginning infield. Some of these games may start
before the published time on the bracket.

*Friday, May 29 *

Start times for the games will move up one hour from what was published and
start at 10:00 AM, weather permitting. Again games will be played in
rolling format. Once a game is completed the field will be prepared, each
team will have a maximum 10 minute warm-up on the field and the game will
begin. If there is impending weather, the championship game will begin
approximately 30 minutes after the second semi-final game is complete. The
3rd place game would not be played, teams will both receive 3rd place
medals and a trophy.

If games are rained out on Thursday or Friday the KSHSAA will work with the
host site to determine alternate dates for games to be played. Saturday
would be the first alternate date, with Sunday being the 2nd date. If
fields are unplayable games could be pushed back into next week.

The KSHSAA and host sites are committed to providing the best possible
tournament environment for players and fans, but the weather pattern
indicates there may be delays. Communication with schools will be done
primarily via e-mail to the Athletic Director about changes in formats of
tournaments until tournaments start. Once tournaments start the KSHSAA and
site managers will contact via cell phone information. It is important
that travel sheets have been sent to the tournament manager and the KSHSAA.