Kris Musgrave (Republican) has filed his intent to run for Seward County Commissioner, District 5.
Filings to date:
Commission District 5 Mary Bloomer (R) 02-21-2020
Commission District 5 Kris Musgrave (R) 02-21-2020
Following is a list of offices to be elected in 2020. The filing deadline is June 1, 2020 at noon.
United States Representative 1st District
State Senate 38th District
State Representative 124th, 125th Districts
District Court Judge, 26th District, 2nd Division
County Commissioner District 1
County Commissioner District 5
County Clerk
County Treasurer
County Register of Deeds
County Attorney
County Sheriff
Township Trustee, Seward Township
Township Treasurer, Seward Township
Township Trustee, Fargo Township
Township Treasurer, Fargo Township
Township Trustee, Liberal Township
Township Treasurer, Liberal Township
The following positions will be elected in each political party which has qualified to participate in the Primary Election:
One Precinct Committeeman in each Precinct
One Precinct Committeewoman in each Precinct