The Kismet Little World’s Fair began in 1915 at a Labor Day picnic
and with the exception of four years during World War 2 has continuously
been celebrated Labor Day Weekend. This is the 100th edition of the fair.
The event is sponsored by the Kismet Lions Club.
Kismet Little World’s Fair Schedule
Saturday, August 31
3 pm- Slip-n-Slide Ball at Headrick Park
5-6:30- Lions Club Supper/Chicken Fajitas Beans and Rice at Pavilion Building
7 pm- Kevin Horner performs in Kismet Pavilion
8 pm- Bingo in Kismet Pavilion
9-midnight- Street Dance
Sunday, September 1
9:30- Worship services at First United Methodist Church in Kismet
11:45 am- Taste of Kismet at Pavilion
2 pm- 3 legged race at Headrick Park
2:30 pm- Turtle Treasure Hunt at Headrick Park
3 pm- Kids Poker Run at Headrick Park
3 on 3 basketball tournament at Kismet Grade School 6th grade and up.
4 pm- Quilts of Valor at Pavilion
6 pm- Church services at Pavilion
7 pm- Mindy Miller outside behind Lion’s Den, bring lawn chair.
8 pm- Bryan White outside behind Lion’s Den, bring lawn chair.
Midwest Truck Fest
9 pm-midnight Street dance
Monday, September 2
6:30 am- 5k/10k registration at Kismet Grade School.
7:30 am- 5k/10k Fun Run and Walk at Kismet Grade School.
7:30-9 am- Breakfast outside Pavilion building. Donation
9 am- Parade line up and judging on north main street.
9:30-10:30 am- Old Timers Registration at Pavilion.
10:30 am- Parade on north Main. Car show on south Main Street after parade.
11-2 pm- Hamburger stand open
Noon- Free ham and bean feed at Pavilion
1 pm- Turtle Downs registration and races.
1 pm- Kids tractor Pull.
Frozen T-Shirt Pull
2 pm- Bike/trike races, bring your own bike or trike.
2:30- Stick horse races
3 pm- Bed races/slatting
3:30- Water balloon toss