KDOT Updates the Latest Information on U.S. 54 Expansion in Seward County

The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) has provided the latest information on the four-lane expansion project on U.S. 54 in Seward County. Within the next two weeks, weather permitting:

U.S. 54 traffic will be shifted to new eastbound lanes for head-to-head traffic, and the existing U.S. 54 lanes will be closed for construction. The Motor Carrier Inspection Station will be stopping westbound trucks only.

Access from U.S. 54 to Salley Road (County Road 7) will be closed for realignment. The closure will potentially last up to winter 2023.

County Road 6 will be closed permanently.

County Road M will be open to local traffic only until further notice.

For more information or if you have questions, contact Yazmin Moreno, Public Affairs Manager-Southwest Kansas at 620-765-7080 or 620-260-6397.