KDOT to Host Great Plans Rural Freight Technology Corridor Project Meeting

The Kansas Department of Transportation will host an open house for the Great Plans Rural Freight Technology Corridor Project (U.S. 83 Connected Vehicle Project) from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21. The open house will take place at the City Limits Convention Center, 2227 S. Range Ave., in Colby.

KDOT and project team representatives will provide information, respond to questions about the U.S. 83 Connected Vehicle Project, and outline the project schedule. There will be no formal presentation.

The project corridor extends 131 miles south of U.S. 83 from the Thomas/Sheridan County line to the Finney/Haskell County line. The project will make use of advanced technology to improve safety, mobility and economic productivity along U.S. 83.

In September 2022, KDOT received a nearly $7 million Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment grant from the Federal Highway Administration to support this project.