Kansas Wheat Harvest On The Move

Kansas farmers are beginning to get the answers they’ve had about their wheat crop.

The harvest getting off to a sputtering start due to occasional rain showers.

But the industry trade group Kansas Wheat put out their first harvest report of the season saying test cutting is underway as far north as McPherson County and as far west as Clark County.

Barber County farmer Jeff Bahr was harvesting near Hazelton Wednesday afternoon. Bahr says, "We don’t really know how much the freeze hurt us."

Even so Bahr says what he’s seeing is much better than he anticipated. He says some of his wheat didn’t emerge until after the February snows provided enough moisture.

The OK Co-op elevator in Kiowa has taken in about 350,000 bushels of wheat, with test weights averaging about 59 pounds per bushel.

Anthony Farmer’s Co-op is reporting test weights there averaging about 60 pounds per bushel. The elevator in Anthony had taken in 305,000 bushels by Wednesday morning.