Kansas Seeks Grant to Promote Marriage

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) – At the same time the state was rejecting

federal funds to implement a new health care law, the state of

Kansas was applying for federal funds to promote marriage.

The Kansas City Star reports (http://bit.ly/oXgJTl ) that Gov.

Sam Brownback’s administration is seeking a $6.6 million federal

grant to promote marriage.

The application comes after the state rejected a $31.5 million

grant for implementing the new federal health care law. While

rejecting that grant, Brownback said every state should depend less

on federal money because of high government spending.

State officials said the marriage funds would help the state

reduce child poverty by supporting stable families.

Kansas Sen. Anthony Hensley, a Topeka Democrat, said the

Brownback administration is picking federal grants that support its
