Kansas National Guardsmen From Cimarron To Receive Purple Heart Medal

A Kansas National Guard Soldier from Cimarron will be presented the Purple Heart medal at 12 p.m. Wednesday, June 17, in the Manhattan Armory, 721 Levee Drive, Manhattan, Kan. Maj. Gen. Tod Bunting, the adjutant general, will make the presentation.

Spc. Scott Hajek, 30, of Cimarron, Kansas, deployed with 714th Maintenance Company. He was injured while serving as the lead vehicle gunner on a convoy security patrol during a complex IED ambush and direct fire engagement July 2, 2007.

The Purple Heart is the oldest military decoration currently in use anywhere in the world and the first American award made available to enlisted soldiers. It was created by Gen. George Washington as a Badge of Military Merit, but was not used after the War of Independence. It was revived in 1932 on the 200th anniversary of Washingtonź??s birth.