Kansas CommunitiesTo Share More Than $9.2 Million In CDBG Funds

Twenty-nine Kansas communities will share a total of $9,261,370 in federal grants through the Community Development Block Grant program, the Kansas Department of Commerce announced this week.

The announcement follows awarding of more than $12 million this spring in federal CDBG funds to Kansas communities, bringing this year ??s total to over $21 million.

The CDBG program provides federal funds to local governments for the development of viable communities by addressing their housing, public facilities and economic development needs. To be awarded funds, local governments must meet at least one of three program objectives: benefit low- and moderate-income persons; prevent or eliminate slums and blight; or resolve an urgent need where local resources are not available.

Receving funds in Southwest Kansas:

Meade County $208,000

The county will replace two trucks that serve the Fowler Rural Fire District with a new dual-purpose tanker/pumper fire truck. The county is providing $40,000 in matching funds.