Job Fair Brings Employers, Area Job Seekers Together

Once again, Seward County Community College Business & Industry, Allied Health division, and the Liberal Area Chamber of Commerce have partnered to give area residents a chance to “job shop” at the Southwest Kansas Regional Job Fair. The event is set for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Seward County Fairgrounds Ag Building in Liberal

Chamber Executive Director Rozelle Webb has long promoted the event as an efficient and inspiring way for area residents to meet potential employers — and for those employers to set up interviews.

SCCC’s Business & Industry Director Norma Jean Dodge noted that offering opportunities for connection is what B&I specializes in.

“We constantly meet with industry partners who employee professionals across the spectrum,” she said. “So, the Job Fair is a natural fit for SCCC.”

With new programs constantly being developed and enhanced to strengthen the partnership between industry and education, SCCC is at the forefront of national trends. In the Allied Health division, for instance, online courses provide avenues for health care professionals to earn certifications and even degrees, all while working in the area.