Jerry Odle “Serves” Up Winning Duck

The Liberal Chamber of Commerce celebrated the 2014 Duck Festival in Bluebonnet Park on Saturday. There was food, fun and festivities all day long culminating with the “Duck Race” at 2:00pm. Activities throughout the day included vendors and non-profit organizations,bouncy houses, trike races,a kick the can contest, the KSCB Soup/Stew/Chili and Dessert Cook Off, play a Saint in basketball, National Beef sold hamburgers for The United Way, and live entertainment. Winners in the Duck Race, the top eight and the "Good Luck Duck" were: Jerry Odle in 1st winning $5000, Ron Clancy 2nd, $2000, Mike Varnes 3rd and $1000, Cynthia Billings 4th,$500, Casie Yowelll,5th, $400, Shawna Marcellus 6th, $300, Tabby Young, 7th $200,and Leslie Bissell in 8th for $100. The Good Luck Duck picked belonged to Steve Strickland and was good for $500.