Injuries Hinder LHS in Tennis Opener

Injuries cost the Liberal Redskin Boys Tennis Team first-place honors at the

Great Bend Invitational Tennis Tournament on Saturday. Battling high winds, the Redskins

managed to secure a Second-Place team medal despite having to forfeit two single matches

due to injury.

Individual results:

#1 Single Vince Nguyen went 1-2 before having to default his last two matches due to chronic

muscle cramps. He lost to Dodge Cit s Alex Jenkins 8-7 (7-4 tie breaker), lost to Garden Cit s

Andy Larkin 8-4, then defeated Ellinwoo s Kale Clawson 8-0 before having to retire.

#2 Single Larcyn Carter went 4-1 finishing 2nd Place. He defeated Dodge Cit s Zak Nichols 8-3,

defeated Ellinwoo s Kyle Blakestee 8-2, defeated Hoisingto s Chase Buntain 8-3, defeated Great

Ben s Noel Rodriguez 8-5 before losing to Garden Cit s Blake Stuck 8-4 to finish 2nd Place.

#1 Double Duc Nguyen & Josh Hamilton went 5-0 finishing 1st Place. They defeated Dodge Cit s

Neidhart/Hutchcraft 8-7 (7-2 tie breaker), defeated Ellinwoo s Miller/Blair 8-0, defeated Garden

Cit s Fisher/McMillan 8-6, defeated Hoisingto s Cowan/Smith 8-3, then defeated Great Ben s

Bosch/Jacobs 8-4 to win 1st Place Honors.

#2 Double Hai Vo & Antonio Rodriguez went 4-1 finishing 1st Place, They defeated Dodge Cit s

Woods/Salem 8-1, defeated Ellinwoo s Miller/Niles 8-1, defeated Garden Cit s Clarke/Riggs 8-5,

Defeated Hoisingto s Crawford/Bradley 8-2 before losing to Great Ben s Moyers/Neeland 8-7 (8-6

Tie breaker) to finish 1st Place.

Liberal travels to Garden City Tuesday.