Illegal Drugs, Guns, and Four Arrests in Dodge City

by: Laura McMillan

A tip about drug activity led to the discovery of a lot of illegal drugs and guns and four arrests in Dodge City.

The tipster mentioned individuals were selling large quantities of THC vape cartridges. Police began an extensive investigation. They said it revealed that a boy was advertising and selling THC products and trying to sell firearms through social media.

The Dodge City Police Department’s Special Operations Division got a search warrant for a home in the 900 block of Otero in the south part of town and took action on Tuesday.

Police say detectives found:

Over 400 THC vape cartridges with a street value of approximately $14,000,
Multiple ounces of THC concentrate,
Raw marijuana,
Over four pounds of marijuana edibles,
A small amount of cocaine,
Over $1,000 in cash, and
10 firearms, including an AK-47 pistol and an SKS rifle.
Officers arrested two boys for multiple alleged crimes and took them to a juvenile detention facility. They also arrested two adults in the home on suspicion of aggravated child endangerment, endangerment of a child, and contributing to a child’s misconduct.

The DCPD says the investigation is not over, and there could be more arrests.