Hugoton Teen Dies As A Result of A Rollover Accident

The community of Hugoton is grieving over the loss of 15 year old Hugoton High School student Montana Beesley. Montana, and 3 other teens were involved in a one vehicle rollover accident Saturday evening at approximately 7:45pm. The accident occurred east of Hugoton on a dirt road at Roads P between Roads 15 and 16. Montana and another male passenger in the car were airlifted to a Wichita hospital, where Montana died of internal injuries. The condition of the male teen is unkown. The 2 other passengers were taken to the hospital to be treated for their injuries. Hugoton High School opened the school on Sunday evening from 4:00-6:00pm for a place for students to gather. On Monday morning, their will be additional support staff available to help students to deal with the tragedy. Montana was very involved in her church, family, school, 4-H, and community. She appeared several times in the Pancake Day Talent Show, Country Showdown, and many other area events.