In the popular Mission Impossible movie series, the common goal of Ethan Hunt and his team is to accept and complete a seemingly impossible mission. The concept of developing a mission was taken to a whole new level by six individuals of the Hugoton FFA Chapter at the 2014 State Conference for Chapter Leaders (SCCL), held June 30 to July 2 at Rock Springs Ranch, south of Junction City. Members of the Hugoton FFA Chapter joined over 280 Kansas FFA members on a journey to further develop their ability to lead their local FFA chapter and develop a chapter mission statement. Throughout the conference, the six state FFA officers related the Mission Impossible movies to being a chapter leader and “making the impossible possible.”
SCCL gives chapter FFA leaders the chance to make many discoveries for their up-coming year of service. Key points the members learned and experienced during the conference included: vision, expectations, purpose, growth, being a role model, challenging the status quo, and creating a shared vision. Through workshops facilitated by both the state FFA officers and a select group of agricultural education instructors, the students experienced the importance of these points first hand.
State FFA President, Taylor Green said, “Throughout the week, it was incredible to see so many chapter leaders develop their leadership potential and get excited for the year ahead. Their hard work to develop vision statements for their chapters will allow all Kansas FFA members to share common goals to strive toward this year.”
The State Conference for Chapter Leaders is presented by the Kansas FFA State Officer Team, the Kansas FFA Association, and sponsored in part by Cargill and Crop Production Services.
The Kansas FFA Association, part of the National FFA Organization, has almost 9,000 student members preparing for careers in the science, business and technology of agriculture in 171 local chapters across the state. FFA strives to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. Visit for more information.