Hooker United Methodist Women To Host �??Traditional�?? Thanksgiving Dinner Wednesday

The aroma of a turkey basting, sweet pies and bread baking and the warmth emitting from the kitchen as even warmer sounds of laughter filter throughout – it is almost time for the “traditional Thanksgiving dinner.”

The United Methodist Women of the Hooker Church announce they are making plans for their annual “traditional” turkey dinner Wednesday, November 13 and they would like to invite your family to join them.

Dinner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m., in the fellowship hall located at 202 East Imo in Hooker. Cost will be $7 per plate or $16 per family. A family is defined as a mother, father and school age children living at home.

Carry out and deliver service will be available within the City of Hooker. For those services, call 652-2920 or email the church at [email protected] before 4:30 p.m., the day of the dinner.

The menu will be turkey with all the trimmings, everything you would expect if you were going to grandma’s house: featuring Ms. Edith’s homemade dinner rolls and cranberry sauce, along with delicious assortment of pies everything from pumpkin, pecan, apple, cherry and peach.

Come enjoy the food and warm fellowship.

Proceeds from this annual event will go to support various missions.

For more information, contact Gary Lynn at (580) 652-2820 or the church office at (580) 652-2920.