Holmes Apointed To Radioactive Materials Committee

The Council of State Governments announces the appointment of Rep. Carl Holmes of Liberal as the Kansas Legislative representative to the Midwestern Radioactive Materials Transportation Committee. Committee appointments include 12 legislative members and 12 members appointed by the Governors of the 12 member states. The committees responsibility is to bring the Midwestern states together to identify and work to resolve regional issues related to shipments of radioactive materials conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy.

The committeeź??s responsibility is to ensure that Department of Energy shipments of radioactive waste through the region are conducted in a safe and uneventful manner. To achieve this goal, the committee works closely with the Department of Energy offices that ship and receive the waste as well as with states in the other regions that are affected by shipment. The shipments of radioactive waste include spent fuel from nuclear power plants and transuranic waste.

Representative Holmes also serves on numerous national committees and chairs the National Conference of State Legislatures Advisory Council on Energy, which studies and develops new energy information for use by state governments nationwide.