Guymon to Present “Home for the Holidays – Lights Festival

Guymon Oklahoma will once again to host “Home for the Holidays” a Lights Festival. December 1st will be the Light Unveiling at Sunset Park in Guymon. At 6:00 pm is when the lights will be turned on and will remain on all month long. The Guymon Lions Club will provide train rides through the park and lights, and around the lake beginning December 1st, and running through December 15th. On the 1st there will be several vendors set up at the park, and there will be performances by choirs, Main Street Queens, a Drumline and more. This event is sponsored in part by Golden Mesa Casino, the Shawnee Tribe, Three Corners Connector, and PTCI.

For more information check out Guymons “Home for the Holidays Facebook page.