Guymon Superintendent Rhoades Resigns

The Guymon Public Schools Board of Education would like to announce that Angela Rhoades, Guymon Public Schools (GPS) Superintendent of Schools is leaving to pursue new opportunities. Rhoades has accepted an Assistant Superintendent position at Enid Public Schools, a 6A District that serves 8,000 students. While this district will miss Superintendent Rhoades, we are pleased she is moving into a position at Enid where she will be a true asset to that district. Rhoades stated, “This is a bittersweet move as I have completed my third year with the Guymon School District. During my first year as Superintendent, I led the district through the global COVID-19 pandemic and the re-opening of schools, and all the challenges that came with trying to transition to online learning, as well as giving students graduation and keeping the safety of students and staff at the forefront with reopening school sites. Through all the challenges, I have strived to cultivate an innovative, evidence-based culture and have tried to continually make tough decisions that put kids first while bringing stability to our system.”

We are so grateful for Superintendent Rhoades’s contributions to GPS in the last few years. During her tenure, she worked to develop a good working relationship with Seaboard Foods in an effort to build a positive partnership with this community’s largest employer. Rhoades centralized district services by opening the district enrollment center and added positions like instructional coaches at each site, a community-care coordinator, a school social worker, a graduation coach, and more to provide student and parent resources for improved student achievement and well-being. She also created a Diversity Council to work in partnership with all parents to ensure equity.

Superintendent Rhoades has taken on many improvement initiatives at GPS such as facility improvements with the resurfaced football parking lot, a new HVAC system at the high school with cleaned air ducts and thermostats in classrooms, a new high school fire alarm system and intercom system, new football stadium lights and high school stage lights, and a new scoreboard, so each graduate can see themselves on the big screen during their graduation. Academic initiatives such as implementing more career courses at the high school with the Fire Fighter 1 course, auto mechanics, and additional video/media production courses, as well as implementing Professional Learning Communities to improve student achievement, and the creation of district vision and mission statements. Alignment of district policies and procedures and initiation and implementation of a district 5-year student-centered strategic plan; The welcomed addition of junior high baseball, and soccer; A branding initiative with a distinct logo to instill a sense of pride and community; Starting a Homecoming Parade to build even more school pride. Additionally, Rhoades’s transition to online student enrollment allows parents to enroll their students with ease, and her implementation of the School Status Messenger and Communication Application aids administration and faculty in communication with the over 38 languages GPS serves.

While she has been in Guymon, Rhoades has remained active in the Guymon Community as an Ambassador for Guymon, served as a Director for the Guymon Chamber of Commerce, and continually supported and promoted Guymon Public Schools and City of Guymon activities. She also served on the OASA Executive Director Board, and State Superintendent Advisory Board and was part of various other educational initiatives.

Rhoades shared, “ The Guymon community welcomed me and my husband Tommie and we have enjoyed our time in this wonderful community. We have both established lifelong friendships that we will treasure forever. The promise I make now to my students, parents, staff, and community is that I will continue to work as hard in my final weeks here at GPS as I have done over the past three years. I love this district and appreciate all those who supported my efforts to make effective changes to move this district forward. I hope I have left the district better than I found it, and want nothing but the very best for you all. It will always be a great day to be a Tiger!”

The GPS Board of Education confirms that district operations will remain on course due to the appointment of Dixie Purdy, current Assistant Superintendent of Guymon Public Schools as Interim Superintendent.