Beginning Tuesday, December 8, 2020, Guymon High School will shift to remote learning due to staff shortages. With multiple GHS staff members testing positive for COVID-19 and/or being on quarantine for COVID-19 exposure, there is great concern in terms of providing quality face-to-face instruction while keeping all students and staff members safe and healthy.
Remote learning will be in place for the remainder of this school semester. We will return to face to face learning beginning January 7, 2021.
Students WILL use Google Classroom to receive instruction and assignments, to communicate with their teacher, to submit assignments and assessments, etc.
Students WILL log in to Google Classroom every period, Monday through Friday, for each class they are enrolled.
Teachers WILL use Google Classroom to send instruction and assignments, to communicate with their students, to grade assignments and assessments, etc.
Teachers WILL take attendance through Google Classroom for each class period they teach.
At this time, students will continue to participate in extracurricular activities and athletics following the safety protocols that the district currently has in place. Information about increased safety protocols will be communicated through the athletic department, as well as the sponsors and coaches of our extracurricular activities and athletics.
At this time, students in Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade will continue in-person learning. However, Guymon Public Schools will continue to monitor the COVID-19 cases at each school site and make the necessary decisions and adjustments.
At this time, “grab-and-go” meals for Guymon High School students can be picked up in the south parking lot from 10:30 AM-11:30 AM. Students will receive both a breakfast and a lunch in their “grab-and-go” meal.