Guymon High School will remain on a ‘preventative lockdown’ for the remainder of the day because of threats made to a student, school officials said.
“There was a threat made last Tuesday from one student to another and that situation has been taken care of,” said Superintendent of Schools Doug Melton. “The situation has since re-circulated.”
According to a senior at GHS, she received a text message last night telling her to not go to school because there was going to be a shooting. The text message was circulating throughout the student body and had even spread to the social networking site, Facebook by 11 p.m. Sunday. Several students did not attend school Monday as a result.
Melton explained that the school entered into the preventative lockdown only as a precaution. All outside doors are locked and classes are resuming normally. Additionally, there is an extra police officer in addition to the school police on campus.
“We are going to be on this lockdown for the remainder of the day,” Melton said. “We will re-evaluate for tomorrow.”
The Guymon Police Department was not immediately available for comment.
“The safety of our students is very important,” Melton said. “That is our main concern.”