Guymon High School Football/ Volleyball Teams Quarantined

GUYMON, Okla. (KFDA) – The Guymon High School football and volleyball teams have been placed into quarantined after an individual/individuals tested positive for COVID-19.

According to a statement from Guymon Public Schools, all those associated with the football and volleyball programs were potentially exposed and are considered a close contact with the person who tested positive.

As a result of the potential exposure, the Texas County Health Department and the Office of the State Epidemiologist have mandated that the student athletes be quarantined in isolation at home and to monitor for signs of the virus.

Guymon Public Schools is working with the Texas County Health Department and the Office of the State Epidemiologist to address the situation and communicate transparently to the staff, families and community.

Contact tracing will be conducted by the Texas County Health Department to alert those who were in direct contact with the person who tested positive.