At 4:22 PM Thursday afternoon, Tyrone Firefighters received a call of multiple grass fires west of Tyrone on US Highway 54. The call was received by a firefighter and the Tyrone Fire Chief notified dispatchers in Hooker to dispatch both Tyrone and Hooker fire Units to respond. A total of 12 separate fires were extinguished in the north bar ditch between US 54 and the railroad tracks, due to the quick response of both agencies with additional assistance from Texas County District one tanker, only an approximate two acres of grass were burned then extinguished before causing any damage to Union Pacific Rail lines. A light north wind hampered traffic for a short time until the fires were knocked out at around 5:05.
Tyrone Fire Department responded three units alongside one Hooker unit and a Texas county tanker and other county personnel.
This was the first in county fire call for Tyrones new county fire unit 75. The unit has responded to beaver county and Seward county for fires and for rescue calls in Texas county, but made its first call for fire Thursday afternoon. Tyrone Firefighters appreciate Texas County Commisioners for putting a truck replacement program in place after many years since the last program in the 90’s.