The staff at Golden Plains Credit Union has been very faithful to participate each year in Southwest Medical Center’s Think Pink program. The purpose of the event is to bring awareness to breast cancer and show support for breast cancer survivors and their families. Along with participating in the Think Pink decorating contest, the staff at GPCU hosts fundraisers each year with funds going to breast cancer research. In 2010, GPCU shared some of their raised monies with the cancer patients who go to SWMC’s Outreach clinic, by purchasing and then donating a flat screen TV to the unit so that the patients’ stay could be a little more pleasant. On hand for the presentation were (back row left to right) SWMC Outreach RN Carma Burns, Outreach RN Brenda Meyer, Outreach Receptionist/Clerk Ivonne Acuna, GPCU Loan Assistant Karen Crotinger, and (front row left to right) GPCU Receptionist Joan Courkamp, GPCU Loan Assistant Berna Vargas and Outreach Clinic RN Melissa Boyd.