Governor To Announce Major Road Projects

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback will announce dozens of major highway expansion projects that will have significant safety and economic benefits during a five-city tour the week after Memorial Day.

The projects, located in every region of the state, will be funded under the state’s one-year-old transportation program T-WORKS. In February, the Governor announced the first three major expansion projects.

“These projects will create jobs and provide an immediate boost to local businesses during construction. But in the long term, they also will provide the infrastructure needed to create or take advantage of economic opportunities that will have a lasting impact on the Kansas economy,” Governor Brownback said. “Implementing T-WORKS is a major component of my Road Map for Kansas. These projects will help move us down the road to growth so I’m anxious to get them under way and start creating jobs.”

The Governor will make announcements in Wichita, McPherson, Dodge City, Fort Scott and Kansas City, Kan. Details will be released before the Memorial Day weekend.