The Liberal Chamber of Commerce held their annual Chamber Banquet Saturday night at the Seward County Activity Center. The theme for this years event was “Going Green”. Corporate Tables were decorated and many attendees came dressed in accordance with the evenings theme.
A prime rib dinner, with meat donated by National Beef Packing Company was served prepared by Hunny’s from Guymon.
The Chamber recognized several businesses and individuals throughout the evening. In the Table Decorating contest, Third Place went to the Bank of Beaver, Byron Bird and Associates was in second, and the 1st place winner was Golden Plains Credit Union. In the Peoples Choice Category, Byron Bird and Associates was declared the winner. Leader and Times won the Best Use of a Prop Award.
Dalton Wallace won the Best Dressed Male while Jayla Tholstrop was the Best Dressed Female. Joe and Elizabeth Denoyer were the Best Dressed Couple on the evening.
Special recognition was given by the Chamber to the Liberal Fire Department and Liberal Street Department for their work with the Chamber’s Duck Festival. New to the Chamber are Junior Ambassadors, and the were also recognized and include Klaire Anderson, Mason Bickerstaff, Jayla Tholstrop, Joanna Hernandez, Lance Bickerstaff, Hugo Sanchez, Dalton Wallace, and Arolyn Rich.
Mel Patterson received her Past President’s plaque. The 2023 Business of the Year Award was presented to Hay, Rice, and Associates, while Jones Monument won the 2023 New Business of the Year Award. Chastity Wallace won the Ambassador of the Year Award. Kim Naab was the Chambers Merit Award winners.
Comedian Rex Havens entertained the crowd after the dinner and awards.