Garden City beat Liberal 17-9 in game one and 17-0 in four innings in game two at the Liberal Softball Complex yesterday evening. In game one, LHS led 5-3 going to the fifth but the Lady Buffs (8-4, 2-2) scored five in the fifth, four in the sixth, and five in the seventh. LaTonya Gooden went 3-3 and was able to throw out a Garden runner at home in the first. Brittany Odle drove home two runs. In game two, the Lady Buffs scored two in the first and the second, nine in the third, and four in the fourth. Liberal had one hit. LHS is 4-6 overall and 0-4 in the WAC. Alexis Franco, Susi Heller, Brittany Odle, and Molly Wichman were recognized for Senior Day in between games even though Liberal has two make up home games remaining. Liberal plays at Garden City May 7.